ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

Nach(t)barschaf(f)t.Gut | Kunstbezirk Stuttgart

The group exhibition in Stuttgart, presents, among others of course, works by Karl-Heinz Bogner whose works have been introduced by an interview.… more »

INTERVIEWS N Building. Tokyo, 2009. Teradadesign Architects, Qosmo.

Von twitternden Gebäuden und Medienfassaden | INTERVIEW mit Thomas Schielke

Vor einiger Zeit hat mit „Media facades: When buildings start to twitter” einen Gastbeitrag von Thomas Schielke präsentiert, der internationale Medienfassaden mit… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

Uli Gsell, Johanna Jakowlev, Hartmut Landauer | BAUWELTEN in Stuttgart

The exhibition “Bauwelten” combines paintings, murals and sculptures that address architecture as sculpture. With the Stuttgart-based curator Marko Schacher, gallery Sonnenberg has  included… more »

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