French artist Marion Tivital paints the „remains“ of industrial development in landscapes, all the factories, warehouses, silos that literally „took place“ in the… more »

„I want my paintings to be like open doors that invite to travel.“ INTERVIEW with Marion Tivital

break through the lines | KAI RICHTER in Cologne
Kai Richter‘s sculptures transform building materials such as steel beams or concrete into works of art. His works transform the space surrounding them,… more »

„Mich interessiert die Architektur als mein Gegenüber in Städten.“ INTERVIEW mit Katja von Puttkamer
In den Nachkriegsjahrzehnten entstanden in ganz Deutschland funktionale Zweckarchitekturen, Großbauten wie Kaufhäuser, Ämter, aber auch Wohnblocks in einer typischen „Plattenarchitektur“ – seriell, monoton,… more »

Body in Space. | JENNIFER MASON in Auckland
2013 is the third year of the Commission, an annual public commission of photographic art by a fine arts photographer in New Zealand.… more »

New cooperation | Contributions to T-R-E-M-O-R-S
NEW! is happy to cooperate with UK magazine T-R-E-M-O-R-S! “Inspired by the city, independent magazine T-R-E-M-O-R-S focuses on intellectual imagination, and hopes to channel… more »