“I feel a need to create things I see beautiful, with sense, with messages.” INTERVIEW with Soavina Ramaroson

I’m pleased to introduce you another artist / architect and am glad that he found the time to answer some questions! Soavina Ramaroson (*1977) is a young architect and artist from Madagascar, residing in Paris.

Being a graduate architect, Ramaroson works as both architect and artist.His wish to improve the human conditions made him choose the profession of architecture.

During his studies, he had to do a study about urbanism which led him to the underprivileged quarters of Antananarivo, the Malgasy city where he was born. Here, he shot his photo series “vis-à-vie” which, according to Ramaroson, shows the simplicity and pragmatism, the smile and hospitality of Madagascar – a very impressive portrait. To find out more about “vis-à-vie” and to view some photos, please go to the artist’s website.

Ramaroson has already taken part in several exhibitions, with a special focus on young + contemporary African art, in France, Germany, Africa, and Japan.

Presently his works can be seen at the “Spot on…Bamako” exhibitions at the IFA Galleries in Berlin (24.10.2008 – 11.01.2009) and Stuttgart (30. Jan. to 21. Mar. 2009).



Why does an architect become artist?

Well… the right question can be “how does an artist become an architect”.

But actually, I don’t consider myself as an artist or an architect, even if the diploma says that I’m DPLG (Diplomé Par Le Gouvernement, graduate by the government).

Let’s says, I’m looking for a way … just trying to be …

How does architecture and your studies of architecture influence your artistical work?

I can say that my studies, or architecture make my work be realistic (opposite of abstract).
But, the main thing is that I use the same method when I want to create: the idea, then the drawing and finally the object…

And the other way round: does your art influence your architectural work?

Yes, I work like an architect, in a big company… Let’s say beginner, I didn’t make my proof yet. So I can not answer this question.

You mostly photograph, but do you also work with other mediums or techniques? Drawing, collage, …..?

I didn’t find my way yet, so I work with what I can catch with my hands…

How did you find your medium(s)?

By luck…

What are your ambitions with your works?

I feel a need to create things I see beautiful, with sense, with messages.

How do you choose your motifs?

Let’s say, they find me…

Do you include a political / social critical connotation in your works? What is your aim?

I think I’ve been fed of everything around me, images, politic, thought… that I need to interprete and show it my way… I guess, it’s called critics… Aim? to start a dialogue.

What – in your opinion – is characteristic of your work and your working method?

I’m too young to answer…

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