FRISCH GEDRUCKT! | Neues auf dem Buchmarkt – New Books! (3)
Freshly printed – new publications which attracted our attention in March and April! Again we tried to cover a broad range of different approaches to architecture, art and urbanism, though there’s a “slight” architectural prevalence this time – from an analysis of musical approaches in urbanism to a (German) handbook on “Guerilla” urbanism to a promising return to ornaments in architecture!
Musical approaches to the ‘Creative City’ – bi-lingual German and English: Music City. Culture and especially the production and consumption of music are a pivotal part of branding urban settings as ‘creative’. In recent years, politicians with an unchallenged growth ideology and a bias for neoliberal restructuring of urban social and economic conditions, and their right hands in municipal planning and culture departments, discovered ‘urban music’ in its many aspects as a way to ‘sell’ their ideas of urbanism and urban development. The increasing instrumentalization of music as a marketing instrument and the staging of urban conglomerates as “music cities” mostly serve the purpose of a neo-liberal “branding” of cities. The complex interrelationships between music and city have yet not been studied comprehensively.
This transdisciplinary volume, with contributions by internationally renowned authors, links the theoretical foundations of this topic with empirical results, selected case studies and historical treatises. This volume does not only want to expand the common discourse on “creative cities”, it also provides important impulses for the cultural policy debate. ENGLISH SUMMARY
Alenka Barber-Kersovan, Volker Kirchberg, Robin Kuchar (Hg.)
Musikalische Annäherungen an die »kreative Stadt« | Musical Approaches to the »Creative City«
Transcript Bielefeld, 342 Seiten, kart., zahlr. Abb., GER / ENGL
ISBN: 978-3-8376-1965-2
Mit dem deutschen Handbuch von Laura Bruns kann man STADT SELBER MACHEN: Egal, ob in Berlin, Barcelona, London oder Wien: Wer durch europäische Großstädte streift, kann immer öfter eigenständige Bespielungen des öffentlichen Raums durch die Bürger entdecken. Kleinste Flächen wie Baumscheiben, Nischen, Gehsteige, aber auch ganze Parks werden besetzt und kreativ gestaltet. Die Stadtbewohner machen sich ihre Stadt selbst! Alternative, authentische und lebendige Freiräume sind das Ergebnis, die die geplante Stadt ergänzen – oder auf den Kopf stellen. Die Projekte sind informell, selbstgebaut, provisorisch und schaffen neue soziale Räume. Sie intervenieren temporär oder langfristig und nutzen die vor Ort vorgefundenen Ressourcen.
Dieses Handbuch möchte dazu inspirieren, selbst Eingriffe ins Stadtbild zu wagen, um so den urbanen Lebensraum mitzugestalten – ein unentbehrlicher Ratgeber und ein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer dafür, Stadt selber zu machen.
Mehr unter:
Stadt selber machen
Ein Handbuch
Laura Bruns
Jovis Berlin, 144 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86859-325-9
French architecture studio LAN launched a new publication: TRACES: The city is the point of departure and arrival for the “architectural experience.” It is, therefore, a palpable, external fact as well as a product of the mind, an abstraction. This book attempts to recreate this trajectory and to describe this exchange between the mind and the world through the traces it has produced. Two separate moments lie at the heart of this book’s very structure and shape: one when the city is the site of an experience and of reflection and the other, when architects modify this site through a new project.
LAN (Local Architecture Network)
Actar, Paris, 624 pages, ENGL
ISBN-13: 978-1940291024
nai 010 publishers remind us: Ornament is back in architecture – but now on the scale of the building as a whole: Building as Ornament by Michiel van Raaij. One letter out of the alphabet, a pile of pebbles or a national emblem – the diversity of forms the new architecture can take seems infinite. In Building as Ornament, Michiel van Raaij, in ten interviews, investigates how this new architecture emerged in the late 1990s and how it developed at the start of the twenty-first century.
A new generation of architects sees the design of the upscaled ornament as an inextricable element of their practice. What are their motivations? How do they place their ideas in the tradition of their age-old profession? Michiel van Raaij argues that the design of the ornament, the iconography of the building, is bound by certain rules. A successful ornament represents a virtue and clarifies the function, status, construction, organization and context of the building.
Michiel van Raaij is editor in chief of and architecture magazine AWM. The publications includes interviews with Auke van der Woud, Denise Scott Brown, Charles Jencks, Adriaan Geuze, Michiel Riedijk, Alejandro Zaero-Polo, Ben van Berkel, Steven Holl, Winy Maas and Bjarke Ingels. It will be launched in May.
nai010 publishers, 160 p., ENGL
ISBN 978-94-6208-044-7
Sven Fennema – Tales of Yesteryear | Der Bildband wird im Juni Arbeiten von Sven Fennema präsentieren. Der Fotograf hat sich auf verlassene Orte, moderne Bauwerke aber vor allem außergewöhnliche Innenansichten spezialisiert und vermittelt den Betrachtern neue Blickwinkel von architektonischen Besonderheiten durch die Jahrhunderte.
Mehr zu Sven Fennema in diesem Gastinterview (Link).
Sven Fennema
176 Seiten, 174 Abbildungen, teils unveröffentlichter Werke
ISBN 978-3-00-044815-7