The andere Situation, the “other situation” exhibition project explores the interrelationships and qualities of photography, video, projection and object installations in connection with site-specific… more »

Stadt im Bild | MARC THEIS in Braunschweig
Probably the oldest store for wall papers in Braunschweig, the Art Nouveau lockers at the Deutsche Bank in Hanover, the roof truss of… more »

Die vierte Dimension | Christine ERHARD, Katharina KIEBACHER, Susa TEMPLIN in Braunschweig
In the exhibition Die vierte Dimension (The fourth dimension), photography itself becomes a “spatial” element. It is the translation of space and architecture… more »

Weder Freund noch Feind | NIKOLAUS GEYER in Braunschweig
With the exhibition Nikolaus Geyer – “Neither friend nor foe”, the Museum für Photographie Braunschweig honors photographer Nikolaus Geyer, who was tragically killed… more »

Das REGIONALE GEDÄCHTNIS (2) in Braunschweig
As a former company headquarters and production site of optical manufactories “Voigtländer” and “Rollei”, Braunschweig is often dubbed as “Photo City”. But what… more »