ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Gregor Sailer: "Carson City VI / Vårgårda, Sweden", 2016 aus der Serie "The Potemkin Village" C-Print, 95 x 120 cm, Ed. 5 + 2 AP

The Potemkin Village | GREGOR SAILER in Berlin

For »The Potemkin Village« (2015-2017) Gregor Sailer (b. 1980 in Schwaz, AT) went looking for mock architecture worldwide. The proverbial term refers to… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Guido Guidi: Maison Planeix, 2003 Guido Guidi: "Le Corbusier - 5 Architectures

Le Corbusier – 5 Architetures | GUIDO GUIDI in Berlin

This series is a prime example of appreciation of »constructed landscapes«. In what became a very personal project for the artist, he chose… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Thibault Brunet "11-01-2013 17h04" aus der Serie "Vice City", 2007-2013

Déjà vu | Thibault BRUNET, Isabelle LE MINH in Berlin

French photo artists Thibault Brunet and Isabelle Le Minh, both have already exhibited in many times in French institutions, deal with the reactivation… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Danila Tkachenko: "Untitled #4", from the series "Motherland", 2016-2017

Motherland | Danila TKACHENKO in Berlin

For his award-winning series »Restricted Areas« (2013–2015), Tkachenko travelled the different states of the former Soviet Union in two consecutive winters, looking for… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Kathrin Ganser: »Plazas (# LP/MP/PP)«, 2011-2014 »Plazas (# LP/MP/PP)«, 2011-2014 Fotografien und Installationen (variabel) | photographs and installations (variable) Ausstellungsansicht | Installation view Kehrer Galerie, 2016

Zimmer mit Aussicht – ROOM WITH A VIEW in Berlin

In relationship between photography and architecture, photography conventionally plays that role to serve the architecture as an illustrative method. The photograph thus fulfills… more »

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