ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

mixed signals part II in Ulm

Following part I, shown in Berlin, “mixed signals part II” is presented at Kunstverein Ulm. Curated by Jens Hausmann, the exhibition shows works by… more »

INTERVIEWS Site Industriel 153 (2011, 114x162 cm, huile sur toile)

„I want my paintings to be like open doors that invite to travel.“ INTERVIEW with Marion Tivital

French artist Marion Tivital paints the „remains“ of industrial development in landscapes, all the factories, warehouses, silos that literally „took place“ in the… more »


“The globalization is the new religion and its images are its scriptures.” INTERVIEW with Sajjad Ahmed

Sajjad Ahmed’s series “Small Round Organized Capitalist World” reflects on questions of globalization and its visualizations. The Pakistan based artist says, “the Capitalist… more »

INTERVIEWS C_51.802, 2010, Drawing ink on paper, 42 x 29,7 cm

“Deconstructing and reconstructing structures, experimenting with intuitive colour neighbourhoods and offering them in another context.” INTERVIEW with Pierre Juillerat

Pierre Juillerat’s paintings evoke surprisingly contradictory associations, such as calm and speed, abstraction, contemplation, reduction. Reduced on colour fields, the art works show… more »

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