Where is the boundary between figuration and non-representation? When will house or space become a geometric body? Both Horn’s and Jakovlev’s works are… more »

Platzverweis | MARC DITTRICH, MARK THOMPSON in Stuttgart
Mark Thompson represents a unique position of veduta painting, which can be placed somewhere between Caspar David Friedrich and horror sceneries. In dialogue… more »

Schnittstellen | GSELL + LANDAUER in Stuttgart
Stuttgart based gallery Schacher shows a dialogically structured presentation of Uli Gsell’s stone sculptures and murals by Hartmut Landauer. Both artists share biographical… more »

Ortungen | Marc DITTRICH und Andreas OPIOLKA in Stuttgart
Two very different “kinds” of architecture: while Marc Dittrich (read on here for our deocnarch.com interview!) cuts photographs of building facades into five… more »

Freiräume | JAKOWLEV, LEUZE, MOSER in Stuttgart
Freiräume – open spaces, free spaces: The architectural works of Johanna Jakowlev, Martin Leuze and Sergei Moser continue the old tradition of cityscapes… more »

Secret Rooms | Daniel & Geo FUCHS in Stuttgart
Internationally renowned and globally active artists Daniel & Geo Fuchs present their series “Secret Rooms” in Stuttgart. 15 years after the fall of the… more »

Marc Dittrich und Johanna Jakowlev | ZWISCHENRÄUME in Stuttgart
“Zwischenräume” (In-Betweens), a new exhibition in Stuttgart presents works by Marc Dittrich and Johanna Jakowlev whose positions have been introduced in deconarch.com interviews.… more »