ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Julian Faulhaber Pult (Desk), 2016 ©Julian Faulhaber/VG Bildkunst Bonn/RAO

Ideal Spaces | Julian FAULHABER in Moscow

At the center of Faulhaber’s attention are the real public places in Germany, Japan and the USA: gas stations, shopping centers, cinema halls,… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Ville Lenkkeri: Himalaya, 2004/2007

Vom Umgang mit der Wirklichkeit | [AN-]SICHTEN in Frankfurt

The exhibition format [AN-]SICHTEN (ger: aspects or views) is held biennially, alternating with the Scholarship winner exhibition f/12.2. This year, Thomas Rietschel, former… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

Modellstudien | Thomas DEMAND in Hombroich

With Modellstudien, the Insel Hombroich Foundation presents its first solo show of works by a contemporary artist. At the Siza Pavilion at the… more »

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