FRISCH GEDRUCKT! | Neues auf dem Buchmarkt – New Books! (8)

Done with the spring cleaning? Found some gaps on your book shelf? We can help you with that! We found some interesting publications… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Houses of the dying villages at the Garzweiler brown coal mining site © Gregor Schneider / VG Bild-Kunst Bonn

Kindergarten | GREGOR SCHNEIDER in Mexico

The exhibition includes Gregor Schneider’s new piece Kindergarten (playground): a playing field produced for México, that will remains in the city after the… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Franz Burkhardt, 2013, Installationsansicht ART COLOGNE, Courtesy Galerie Rupert Pfab, Düsseldorf

HOMEBASE in Düsseldorf

In our world of today, people seem to waver between contradictory desires. Aside from their longing for freedom and mobility, there is a… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

Das Interieur in der Gegenwartskunst | HOMEBASE in Nürnberg

In our present world, man seems to trapped between conflicting needs: his longing for freedom and mobility is opposed by the desire for security and… more »

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