ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

Gemalte Architekturen | Spanische post-konzeptuelle FIGURATION in Berlin

17 well-known Spanish artists will show their works in the MEINBLAU project space in Berlin from October, 20th to November, 12th. All of… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art (c) Marc Dittrich

Platzverweis | MARC DITTRICH, MARK THOMPSON in Stuttgart

Mark Thompson represents a unique position of veduta painting, which can be placed somewhere between Caspar David Friedrich and horror sceneries. In dialogue… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art La strada entra nella casa Umberto Boccioni, 1911 Öl auf Leinwand 100 × 100,6 cm Sprengel Museum Hannover

ARTitecture des Monats (8): Umberto Boccioni

Unsere Reihe ARTitecture des Monats präsentiert Werke, die ARTitecture thematisieren, quer durch alle Epochen und Kontinente, alle Stile und Techniken, von bekannten Künstlern… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art Jakowlev, Seestich, 2014 UND Leuze, Berlin, 2014

Freiräume | JAKOWLEV, LEUZE, MOSER in Stuttgart

Freiräume – open spaces, free spaces: The architectural works of Johanna Jakowlev, Martin Leuze and Sergei Moser continue the old tradition of cityscapes… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art (c) Ines Doleschal

Sites and Cities | Ines DOLESCHAL in Munich

Ines Doleschal presents her first solo show in Munich at Galerie Micahel Heufelder. To find out more about her work, check out our… more »

INTERVIEWS modern house 5 - 120cm x 220cm - oil/canvas - 2010 -

„Wenn Architektur zu hübsch und harmonisch wird, ist das oft keine Vision, sondern eine Lüge …“ INTERVIEW mit Jens Hausmann

Glas, kubische Formen, helle, meist weiße Farben, modernistische Bauten eingebettet in teils wild wuchernde, urtümlich anmutende Landschaften. Leere Liegen am Swimmingpool, elegante Autos… more »

ARTitecture | Architecture + Art

minimal | JENS HAUSMANN in Potsdam

In his paintings, Jens Hausmann approaches the architecture of classical modernism in a post-modern, romantic context. His mostly large-format oil paintings with their precise… more »

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